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Diesel 911 For Winter Emergencies

Diesel 911

A winter emergency use product.

The Winter Rescue Formula of Diesel 911 restores the flow of diesel fuel to an engine caused by gelled fuel or frozen fuel-filters.

Use our Product Calculator Tool to determine
how much additive to use for your specific tank size.

Available in: 16-Ounce, 26-Ounce, 32-Ounce, 64-Ounce, 80-Ounce, 2.5-Gallon, 55-Gallon Drum

Diesel 911 is a winter emergency use product. This Winter Rescue Formula reliquefies gelled fuel and de-ices frozen fuel-filters to restore the flow of diesel fuel to an engine. Diesel 911 does not prevent fuel gelling – use Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost (in the white bottle) as a preventive measure to keep fuel from gelling. Diesel 911 and Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost are compatible in diesel fuel and may be used at the same time.


  • Benefits

  • The original and best diesel fuel winter emergency product

  • Reliquefies gelled fuel

  • De-ices frozen fuel-filters

  • Removes water

  • Prevents fuel-filter icing

  • Contains Slickdiesel Lubricator to protect fuel pumps and injectors from increased wear caused by poor quality Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel

  • Effective in all diesel fuels, including ULSD and biodiesel blends

  • Safe for use in all diesel engines

  • Will not void engine manufacturer's warranty when used as directed

Year-Round Maintenance Schedule

To ensure peak performance of your diesel, Power Service recommends this Year-Round Maintenance Schedule. Check out our video for more information.
year-round-above-30f year-round-dk
Every time you fill up
If temperatures are above 30°F., add Diesel Kleen +Cetane Boost (silver bottle) to clean injectors, boost power, lubricate pumps and injectors and restore lost power and fuel economy.
year-round-below-30f year-round-dfs
If temperatures are below 30°F., add Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost (white bottle) for winter operability. It prevents fuel gelling and protects against fuel-filter icing.
In a winter emergency
Use Diesel 9•1•1 to reliquify gelled fuel and de-ice frozen fuel-filters if your vehicle will not start or gain power in cold weather.
At least quarterly or as needed
Treat with Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner to remove water, disperse contaminants and ensure fuel is stabilized for long-term storage.
If microbial contamination is present
Treat with Bio Kleen Diesel Fuel Biocide to kill the microbes and Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner to remove the residual water and contaminants.

Diesel 911 does not prevent fuel gelling – use Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost (in the white bottle) as a preventive measure to keep fuel from gelling. Diesel 911 and Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost are compatible in diesel fuel and may be used at the same time.

This product is to be added to the fuel. DO NOT ADD TO THE DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID TANK.

16-OUNCE (PART NO. 8016)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add 16 ounces of Diesel 911 to each 20 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Add entire contents (16 ounces) to 40 gallons of diesel fuel. For biodiesel blends, add entire contents (16 ounces) to 20 gallons of diesel fuel.

26-OUNCE (PART NO. 8026)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement+ Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add entire contents (26 ounces) to each 40 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Add entire contents (26 ounces) to 100 gallons of diesel fuel. For biodiesel blends, add entire contents (26 ounces) to 50 gallons of diesel fuel.

32-OUNCE (PART NO. 8025)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement+ Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add entire contents (32 ounces) to each 40 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Add entire contents (32 ounces) to 100 gallons of diesel fuel. For biodiesel blends, add entire contents (32 ounces) to 50 gallons of diesel fuel.

64-OUNCE (PART NO. 8064)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add entire contents (64 ounces) to each 100 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Add entire contents (64 ounces) to 250 gallons of diesel fuel. For biodiesel blends, add entire contents (64 ounces) to 125 gallons of diesel fuel.

80-OUNCE (PART NO. 8080)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add entire contents (80 ounces) to each 100 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Add entire contents (80 ounces) to 250 gallons of diesel fuel. For biodiesel blends, add entire contents (80 ounces) to 125 gallons of diesel fuel.

2.5-GALLON (PART NO. 8050), 55-GALLON DRUM (PART NO. 8055)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add entire contents (80 ounces) to each 100 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Drain tank bottoms until diesel fuel appears. Add one gallon to each 200 gallons of diesel fuel.

Pack9/1 16-Ounce
TreatsUp to 40 Gallons
Pack12/1 26-Ounce
TreatsUp to 100 Gallons
Pack12/1 32-Ounce
TreatsUp to 100 Gallons
Pack6/1 64-Ounce
TreatsUp to 250 Gallons
Pack6/1 80-Ounce
TreatsUp to 250 Gallons
TreatsUp to 500 Gallons
Pack55-Gallon Drum
TreatsUp to 11,000 Gallons

Customer Reviews


Wife only used Toureg for 1/2 a tank since summer and tractor had summer diesel too. Had problems. Topped them both up with winter diesel and added Howes and changed fuel filters. ……Was still having problems with as the summer diesel doesn’t mix well with the winter diesel, and I had found water from condensation in both that froze or gelled. I added it to both. Problem solved for both almost right away. I am now a loyal customer.


Completely blown away. I had a Water In Fuel message pop up. I drained the separator 3 times. Continued to get the message. I saw no water in what I drained. Truck was now in limp mode. Took it to the dealer after being stranded for 4 days(I’m a hotshot hauler) at a truckstop because of a holiday. Dealer said there was water in the fuel. I asked to see this water. There wasn’t any. That’s just what the computer was telling them. Found out there was a Ford service bulletin stating some biodiesel can get moisture levels that are not regulated. The remedy was a $700 system flush and refill. Plus the cost of the dumped fuel and new fuel. I was at a loss. A friend had just been talking about 911. They let me run down to the store. I put this product in, shook the truck, started it, no lights or messages. It dissolved the moisture immediately. I mean as soon as it hit the tank. Been driving for 300 miles so far with no issues. I’m a bottle carrying believer now.

Tom Puskarich

Shuttling a tractor from WI to NE over the weekend of January 6 2018 when temps dropped to -15…near Dubuque IA the fuel filter gelled up and lost power…3 hours later I was able to obtain a bottle of 911…I added it to a 100 gallon tank and idled…just over an hour later the fuel filter dropped from 20 lbs to 12 lbs….I was able to continue and finish my trip….filter got down to 3 lbs and remained there

Julian lafontsee

Diesel 911 has worked great for me every winter. I add it to my tank in my RV and let it run for 10 minutes and every spring it starts right up with no gel problems.

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Did You Know?

Water is dissolved in and carried by all diesel fuels. At temperatures below + 32°F., water that has collected in fuel-filters freezes. This causes decreased fuel flow to the engine and results in reduced engine power or engine shutdown.

Product Details

Available in: 16-Ounce, 26-Ounce, 32-Ounce, 64-Ounce, 80-Ounce, 2.5-Gallon, 55-Gallon Drum

Diesel 911 is a winter emergency use product. This Winter Rescue Formula reliquefies gelled fuel and de-ices frozen fuel-filters to restore the flow of diesel fuel to an engine. Diesel 911 does not prevent fuel gelling – use Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost (in the white bottle) as a preventive measure to keep fuel from gelling. Diesel 911 and Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost are compatible in diesel fuel and may be used at the same time.


The original and best diesel fuel winter emergency product

Reliquefies gelled fuel

De-ices frozen fuel-filters

Removes water

Prevents fuel-filter icing

Contains Slickdiesel Lubricator to protect fuel pumps and injectors from increased wear caused by poor quality Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel

Effective in all diesel fuels, including ULSD and biodiesel blends

Safe for use in all diesel engines

Will not void engine manufacturer's warranty when used as directed

Year-Round Maintenance Schedule

To ensure peak performance of your diesel, Power Service recommends this Year-Round Maintenance Schedule. Check out our video for more information.
year-round-above-30f year-round-dk
Every time you fill up
If temperatures are above 30°F., add Diesel Kleen +Cetane Boost (silver bottle) to clean injectors, boost power, lubricate pumps and injectors and restore lost power and fuel economy.
year-round-below-30f year-round-dfs
If temperatures are below 30°F., add Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost (white bottle) for winter operability. It prevents fuel gelling and protects against fuel-filter icing.
In a winter emergency
Use Diesel 9•1•1 to reliquify gelled fuel and de-ice frozen fuel-filters if your vehicle will not start or gain power in cold weather.
At least quarterly or as needed
Treat with Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner to remove water, disperse contaminants and ensure fuel is stabilized for long-term storage.
If microbial contamination is present
Treat with Bio Kleen Diesel Fuel Biocide to kill the microbes and Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner to remove the residual water and contaminants.

Product Directions

Diesel 911 does not prevent fuel gelling – use Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost (in the white bottle) as a preventive measure to keep fuel from gelling. Diesel 911 and Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost are compatible in diesel fuel and may be used at the same time.

This product is to be added to the fuel. DO NOT ADD TO THE DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID TANK.

16-OUNCE (PART NO. 8016)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add 16 ounces of Diesel 911 to each 20 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Add entire contents (16 ounces) to 40 gallons of diesel fuel. For biodiesel blends, add entire contents (16 ounces) to 20 gallons of diesel fuel.

26-OUNCE (PART NO. 8026)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement+ Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add entire contents (26 ounces) to each 40 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Add entire contents (26 ounces) to 100 gallons of diesel fuel. For biodiesel blends, add entire contents (26 ounces) to 50 gallons of diesel fuel.

32-OUNCE (PART NO. 8025)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement+ Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add entire contents (32 ounces) to each 40 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Add entire contents (32 ounces) to 100 gallons of diesel fuel. For biodiesel blends, add entire contents (32 ounces) to 50 gallons of diesel fuel.

64-OUNCE (PART NO. 8064)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add entire contents (64 ounces) to each 100 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Add entire contents (64 ounces) to 250 gallons of diesel fuel. For biodiesel blends, add entire contents (64 ounces) to 125 gallons of diesel fuel.

80-OUNCE (PART NO. 8080)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add entire contents (80 ounces) to each 100 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Add entire contents (80 ounces) to 250 gallons of diesel fuel. For biodiesel blends, add entire contents (80 ounces) to 125 gallons of diesel fuel.

2.5-GALLON (PART NO. 8050), 55-GALLON DRUM (PART NO. 8055)

TO DE-ICE FROZEN FUEL-FILTERS: If fuel is liquid in fuel tanks but engine won’t start: Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO RELIQUEFY GELLED FUEL: Add entire contents (80 ounces) to each 100 gallons of fuel in the tanks. Remove fuel-filters and fill with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel. Reinstall fuel-filters. Start engine. Let engine idle to warm up fuel system. Add Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost as directed to prevent fuel gelling.

TO REMOVE WATER AND PREVENT FUEL-FILTER ICING: Drain tank bottoms until diesel fuel appears. Add one gallon to each 200 gallons of diesel fuel.

Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

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Part #/Treatment Chart

Pack9/1 16-Ounce
TreatsUp to 40 Gallons
Pack12/1 26-Ounce
TreatsUp to 100 Gallons
Pack12/1 32-Ounce
TreatsUp to 100 Gallons
Pack6/1 64-Ounce
TreatsUp to 250 Gallons
Pack6/1 80-Ounce
TreatsUp to 250 Gallons
TreatsUp to 500 Gallons
Pack55-Gallon Drum
TreatsUp to 11,000 Gallons

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Did You Know?

Water is dissolved in and carried by all diesel fuels. At temperatures below + 32°F., water that has collected in fuel-filters freezes. This causes decreased fuel flow to the engine and results in reduced engine power or engine shutdown.

Performance, Winterization, and Fuel Tank Hygiene features
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