Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost
Are Power Service diesel additives effective in biodiesel for winter operability?
Yes, Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost effectively treats biodiesel blends and the directions can be found on the container label. Keep in mind that biodiesel can have winter operability problems at temperatures higher than standard petroleum diesel. Refer to your owner’s manual for the biodiesel specifications recommended for your vehicle. Having Diesel 911 on hand for winter emergency use is always a good idea.
Read MoreWhat is +Cetane Boost?
Cetane is a powerful energy compound that improves the ignition quality of fuel. There is a direct relationship between a diesel fuel’s cetane number and its ignition point. The lower the cetane number, the longer the ignition delay. Fuels with high cetane numbers burn more quickly and more completely, resulting in smoother and quieter running engines, quicker engine starts, more power and improved fuel economy. In fact, The Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA) states, “Fuels with low cetane numbers will cause hard starting, rough operation, noise and exhaust smoke. Generally, diesel engines will operate better on fuels with cetane numbers above 50 compared to fuels with cetane numbers of the national average of 46.”
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