Available in: Available in: 12-Ounce, 16-Ounce, 26-Ounce, 32-Ounce, 64-Ounce, 80-Ounce, 1-Gallon, 2.5-Gallon, 55-Gallon Drum, 260-Gallon Tote and Bulk
Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost is a winterizer/antigel that is used in the cold winter months to prevent fuel gelling and keep fuel-filters from plugging with ice and wax. When temperatures drop, paraffin (wax) in ULSD fuel will gel stopping fuel from flowing through the engine, and water in the fuel can freeze on the facings of fuel-filters, blocking fuel flow. It provides trouble-free winter operation for diesel fuel.
Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost is intended for use only during cold winter months when temperatures drop below +30F. Use Diesel Kleen +Cetane Boost (in the silver bottle) for peak performance in non-winter months. If your vehicle will not start or gain power in cold temperatures, use Diesel 911 (in the red bottle).
Endorsed by Cummins for use in diesel engines
Protects against fuel-filter icing
Boosts cetane for faster cold starts
Contains Slickdiesel Lubricator to protect fuel pumps and injectors from increased wear caused by poor quality Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel
Effective in all diesel fuels, including ULSD and biodiesel blends
Safe for use in all diesel engines
Will not void engine manufacturer's warranty when used as directed
Year-Round Maintenance Schedule
To ensure peak performance of your diesel, Power Service recommends this Year-Round Maintenance Schedule. Check out our video for more information.Every time you fill up
If temperatures are above 30°F., add Diesel Kleen +Cetane Boost (silver bottle) to clean injectors, boost power, lubricate pumps and injectors and restore lost power and fuel economy.In a winter emergency
Use Diesel 9•1•1 to reliquify gelled fuel and de-ice frozen fuel-filters if your vehicle will not start or gain power in cold weather.At least quarterly or as needed
Treat with Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner to remove water, disperse contaminants and ensure fuel is stabilized for long-term storage.If microbial contamination is present
Treat with Bio Kleen Diesel Fuel Biocide to kill the microbes and Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner to remove the residual water and contaminants.This product is to be added to the fuel. DO NOT ADD TO THE DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID TANK.
If your vehicle will not start or gain power in cold temperatures, use Power Service Diesel 911 (in the red bottle) as directed on the container. After the engine is running, add Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost.
12-OUNCE (PART NO. 1012)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (12 ounces) to 40 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (12 ounces) to 20 gallons of diesel fuel.
16-OUNCE (PART NO. 1016)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (16 ounces) to 40 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (16 ounces) to 20 gallons of diesel fuel.
26-OUNCE (PART NO. 1026)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (26 ounces) to 100 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (26 ounces) to 50 gallons of diesel fuel.
32-OUNCE (PART NO. 1025)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (32 ounces) to 100 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (32 ounces) to 50 gallons of diesel fuel.
64-OUNCE (PART NO. 1064)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (64 ounces) to 250 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (64 ounces) to 125 gallons of diesel fuel.
80-OUNCE (PART NO. 1080)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (80 ounces) to 250 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (80 ounces) to 125 gallons of diesel fuel.
CONCENTRATED FORMULAS 1-GALLON (PART NO. 1128), 260-GALLON TOTE (PART NO. 1060):At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (1 gallon) to 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (1 gallon) to 500 gallons of diesel fuel.
2.5-Gallon (PART NO. 1050), 55-GALLON DRUM (PART NO. 1055), 260-GALLON TOTE (PART NO. 1260)Add one gallon to each 1,500 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add one gallon to each 750 gallons of diesel fuel. STORE ABOVE +10°F.
Customer Reviews
Starts great in winter and never a problem.
Most additives you have no idea if they are doing what they claim, with Diesel Kleen +Cetane Boost you will see a very noticeable difference, quieter, smoother, less smoke, better mileage and better starts especially in colder weather, as long as I own a diesel, every tank will have the Diesel Kleen product added, silver for the warmer weather and white for the winter.
My i.d.i. 7.3 idles so smoothly when I use it! Pulls better, better mileage, on a 30-year-old pickup… it’s available everywhere and cost-efficient!!! Buy it!

We increased overall fleet average fuel mileage by 6%. We saw a significant reduction in soot in our oil samples allowing us to extend our oil drain interval from 6k to 12k.
I have included a pic of a recent teardown showing how clean the engine is after 350k of transit use and 12k oil drain interval. All the added benefits far out weigh the added cost of around 3 cents per gallon.
Used in 02 ford 7.3 now in 2015 6.7 diesel. Used for over 150,000 miles a lot of Montana winter driving and not one fuel problem. We used it as directed and recommend it. Worth the money. Our experience is it is an excellent product.
Tried several types of additives and from what I’ve found this additive worked best for starting as well as most complete fuel burn noticed mostly at idle.
Great stuff 8oz goes in every tank full !!!

This did prevent my fuel from gelling, but it also made my MPG worse. Winter fuel itself makes your MPG bad, then add this & it made my MPG even worse. In order to gain back some MPG, id have to double the dose. No thanks. No need to use 2x the amount, or add Diesel Kleen to the mix & pay more. I’ll just use another brand anti gel fuel additive in the winter, that doesnt make my MPG worse.
Write a Review
Did You Know?
The Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA), which represents worldwide manufacturers of internal combustion engines and on-highway medium- and heavy-duty trucks, believes cetane is "a year-round concern." They state that "Generally, diesel engines will operate better year-round on fuels with Cetane Numbers above 50, compared to fuels with cetane numbers of the national average of 45." Source: http://www.truckandenginemanufacturers.org
Product Details
Available in: Available in: 12-Ounce, 16-Ounce, 26-Ounce, 32-Ounce, 64-Ounce, 80-Ounce, 1-Gallon, 2.5-Gallon, 55-Gallon Drum, 260-Gallon Tote and Bulk
Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost is a winterizer/antigel that is used in the cold winter months to prevent fuel gelling and keep fuel-filters from plugging with ice and wax. When temperatures drop, paraffin (wax) in ULSD fuel will gel stopping fuel from flowing through the engine, and water in the fuel can freeze on the facings of fuel-filters, blocking fuel flow. It provides trouble-free winter operation for diesel fuel.
Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost is intended for use only during cold winter months when temperatures drop below +30F. Use Diesel Kleen +Cetane Boost (in the silver bottle) for peak performance in non-winter months. If your vehicle will not start or gain power in cold temperatures, use Diesel 911 (in the red bottle).
Endorsed by Cummins for use in diesel engines
Protects against fuel-filter icing
Boosts cetane for faster cold starts
Contains Slickdiesel Lubricator to protect fuel pumps and injectors from increased wear caused by poor quality Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel
Effective in all diesel fuels, including ULSD and biodiesel blends
Safe for use in all diesel engines
Will not void engine manufacturer's warranty when used as directed
Year-Round Maintenance Schedule
To ensure peak performance of your diesel, Power Service recommends this Year-Round Maintenance Schedule. Check out our video for more information.Every time you fill up
If temperatures are above 30°F., add Diesel Kleen +Cetane Boost (silver bottle) to clean injectors, boost power, lubricate pumps and injectors and restore lost power and fuel economy.In a winter emergency
Use Diesel 9•1•1 to reliquify gelled fuel and de-ice frozen fuel-filters if your vehicle will not start or gain power in cold weather.At least quarterly or as needed
Treat with Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner to remove water, disperse contaminants and ensure fuel is stabilized for long-term storage.If microbial contamination is present
Treat with Bio Kleen Diesel Fuel Biocide to kill the microbes and Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner to remove the residual water and contaminants.Product Directions
This product is to be added to the fuel. DO NOT ADD TO THE DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID TANK.
If your vehicle will not start or gain power in cold temperatures, use Power Service Diesel 911 (in the red bottle) as directed on the container. After the engine is running, add Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost.
12-OUNCE (PART NO. 1012)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (12 ounces) to 40 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (12 ounces) to 20 gallons of diesel fuel.
16-OUNCE (PART NO. 1016)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (16 ounces) to 40 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (16 ounces) to 20 gallons of diesel fuel.
26-OUNCE (PART NO. 1026)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (26 ounces) to 100 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (26 ounces) to 50 gallons of diesel fuel.
32-OUNCE (PART NO. 1025)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (32 ounces) to 100 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (32 ounces) to 50 gallons of diesel fuel.
64-OUNCE (PART NO. 1064)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (64 ounces) to 250 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (64 ounces) to 125 gallons of diesel fuel.
80-OUNCE (PART NO. 1080)At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (80 ounces) to 250 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (80 ounces) to 125 gallons of diesel fuel.
CONCENTRATED FORMULAS 1-GALLON (PART NO. 1128), 260-GALLON TOTE (PART NO. 1060):At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (1 gallon) to 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (1 gallon) to 500 gallons of diesel fuel.
2.5-Gallon (PART NO. 1050), 55-GALLON DRUM (PART NO. 1055), 260-GALLON TOTE (PART NO. 1260)Add one gallon to each 1,500 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add one gallon to each 750 gallons of diesel fuel. STORE ABOVE +10°F.
Customer Reviews
Customer Reviews
Starts great in winter and never a problem.
Most additives you have no idea if they are doing what they claim, with Diesel Kleen +Cetane Boost you will see a very noticeable difference, quieter, smoother, less smoke, better mileage and better starts especially in colder weather, as long as I own a diesel, every tank will have the Diesel Kleen product added, silver for the warmer weather and white for the winter.
My i.d.i. 7.3 idles so smoothly when I use it! Pulls better, better mileage, on a 30-year-old pickup… it’s available everywhere and cost-efficient!!! Buy it!

We increased overall fleet average fuel mileage by 6%. We saw a significant reduction in soot in our oil samples allowing us to extend our oil drain interval from 6k to 12k.
I have included a pic of a recent teardown showing how clean the engine is after 350k of transit use and 12k oil drain interval. All the added benefits far out weigh the added cost of around 3 cents per gallon.
Used in 02 ford 7.3 now in 2015 6.7 diesel. Used for over 150,000 miles a lot of Montana winter driving and not one fuel problem. We used it as directed and recommend it. Worth the money. Our experience is it is an excellent product.
Tried several types of additives and from what I’ve found this additive worked best for starting as well as most complete fuel burn noticed mostly at idle.
Great stuff 8oz goes in every tank full !!!

This did prevent my fuel from gelling, but it also made my MPG worse. Winter fuel itself makes your MPG bad, then add this & it made my MPG even worse. In order to gain back some MPG, id have to double the dose. No thanks. No need to use 2x the amount, or add Diesel Kleen to the mix & pay more. I’ll just use another brand anti gel fuel additive in the winter, that doesnt make my MPG worse.
Write a Review
Part #/Treatment Chart
Recommended With
Recommended With
Diesel 911

A winter emergency use product.
The Winter Rescue Formula of Diesel 911 restores the flow of diesel fuel to an engine caused by gelled fuel or frozen fuel-filters.
View ProductVoice of the Customer
From The Learning Center
From the Learning Center
About Biodiesel and Biodiesel Blends

As pressure increases to lessen America’s dependence on fossil fuels, biodiesel will become more widely used as a blended component of diesel fuel. Some states have mandated that all diesel fuels contain varying percentages of biodiesel, and the U.S. government has authorized a B20 fuel (20% biodiesel and 80% diesel fuel) for use in non-strategic applications. Poor cold weather performance, high water content and microbial infestation will require biodiesel fuels to be treated for reliable performance. All Power Service diesel additives are effective in treating biodiesel and biodiesel blends and have directions for their use printed on the back of the containers.
View ArticleDid You Know?
The Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA), which represents worldwide manufacturers of internal combustion engines and on-highway medium- and heavy-duty trucks, believes cetane is "a year-round concern." They state that "Generally, diesel engines will operate better year-round on fuels with Cetane Numbers above 50, compared to fuels with cetane numbers of the national average of 45." Source: http://www.truckandenginemanufacturers.org
Recommended With
Diesel 911

A winter emergency use product.
The Winter Rescue Formula of Diesel 911 restores the flow of diesel fuel to an engine caused by gelled fuel or frozen fuel-filters.
View ProductFrom the Learning Center
About Biodiesel and Biodiesel Blends

As pressure increases to lessen America’s dependence on fossil fuels, biodiesel will become more widely used as a blended component of diesel fuel. Some states have mandated that all diesel fuels contain varying percentages of biodiesel, and the U.S. government has authorized a B20 fuel (20% biodiesel and 80% diesel fuel) for use in non-strategic applications. Poor cold weather performance, high water content and microbial infestation will require biodiesel fuels to be treated for reliable performance. All Power Service diesel additives are effective in treating biodiesel and biodiesel blends and have directions for their use printed on the back of the containers.
View Article