Power Service

Protect Your Diesel Now, Before Winter’s Wrath Turns it Foul

Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner polishes your diesel fuel, prevents cold-weather failures, and protects fuel quality over a long, cold winter. Here’s how.

Let’s get the bad news out of the way first: There is simply no way to keep water from contaminating your tank of diesel fuel.

And, with winter coming fast, it is absolutely critical that you take steps now to deal with that problem.

And now, for the good news: Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner from Power Service Diesel Additives can help you avoid costly downtime and damage in harsh winter weather by removing water and slime from your fuel, dispersing contaminants and stabilizing fuel in storage during those long, cold, winter months.

Now that you know there’s both a problem and a guaranteed solution for solving it, let’s backtrack a bit and take a closer look at water in diesel fuel and the problems it causes.

So why is there water in in diesel fuel in the first place? Water in fuel is bad — everybody knows that.

And you’re absolutely right: Water in diesel fuel is not a good thing. But, unfortunately, as noted, it’s also unavoidable out in the real world. That’s because no matter how modern, and well-maintained a diesel storage tank is, there’s no way to counter natural atmospheric accumulation of moisture in the tank. And, of course, older fuel stations often have compromised storage tanks that allow more water than normal in.

And then there’s biodiesel.

Most diesel fuel today contains at least a small percentage of biodiesel fuel – usually from 2% to 5%. And water in biodiesel is simply a natural part of its chemical makeup: Water is used to manufacture the fuel in the first place (and largely filtered out of the final product). But the “bio” aspect of the fuel’s makeup also makes it more prone to attracting water while in storage.


Messy Microbes

Diesel fuel is toxic to humans. But there are large groups of microbes that love nothing better than a nice tank of diesel fuel to swim around in. And once they’ve moved into a tank a diesel fuel, they do what microbes do best: They multiply. And, if there’s water in diesel fuel, even better! Diesel fuel is their home. And water is their food. Complicating matters once again, biodiesel, which is made from animal and plant proteins, is especially appealing to microbes. So, needless to say, a tank full of biodiesel really makes those microbes happy.

Basically, once microbes find their way into your fuel tank, they’re set for life – unless you do something about it. Because they problems they can cause are very real and very serious.

Over time, microbial colonies can multiply until they’re completely out of control. And once they reach this level of contamination in a fuel tank, they begin to form acids which corrode fuel system components, and produce solids – commonly referred to as “algae” in the tank, which can clog fuel lines, filters and injectors.

Left untreated, microbes will eventually transform a tank of perfectly good diesel fuel into a mess of soupy, unusable sludge.


The Clear-Diesel Advantage

And, this time of year, even newly introduced water in a fuel tank is a problem for your diesel engine, as well. Once the temperature drops below freezing, even minute amounts of water freeze, forming tiny ice crystals that quickly accumulate in fuel lines, filters and injectors, stopping your engine cold – even if it’s already warmed up to its normal operating temperature.

All of this is why it is so important to dehydrate your diesel fuel tank before cold weather hits. Being proactive, and doing so now, before truly frigid temperatures hit, treating your fuel with Clear-Diesel and Bio Kleen Diesel Fuel Biocide will:

• Prevent icing
• Prevent fuel line freeze-ups
• Stabilize biodiesel fuel
• Eliminate microbes from your fuel

So, obviously, it’s time to act now. And Power Services Diesel Additives makes stopping cold-weather fuel problems, easy.

To begin, if possible, pump or drain excess water and fuel contaminants from bottom of fuel tank until clear diesel fuel appears.

Next, add Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner at a shock treatment level to the diesel fuel. Once Clear-Diesel goes to work, its Fuel Polishing Formula takes water and slime out of the fuel, disperses contaminants and stabilizes fuel for long-term storage.

Clear-Diesel can be used as a vital part of any preventive maintenance program or for immediate clean-up of equipment or fuel storage tanks.

To maintain good diesel fuel health year-round, and get a head-start on heading off Old Man Winter, add Clear-Diesel at least quarterly or as conditions dictate.

You can’t keep water out of your diesel fuel. But you can do something about it once it’s in there. Trust Clear-Diesel Fuel & Tank Cleaner and breathe easy in those long, cold, hard, winter months ahead.



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